Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Joke That Is A National Law University

    Its almost two months into the second semester and it has panned out exactly like the first one. 2 months down, no work done. The only difference is this ISNT the 1st sem and I can not soothe myself with the words that,Its understandable to not work in the 1st two months of your first sem at your college. But maybe calling myself a 1st year student will work. Yeah, thats smart.. I am not second semester student, I am just a 1st year student. That way, nothing has changed so far.

    So, still a 1st year student at a law school and still loving it. Life is total fun, just that the college isnt going so great. Nothing wrong with me, its the college. Like the subjects that we study.
OOPS, I touched a nerve there. My nerve...

Can anyone explain why as a law student do I need to study child psychology? But hey Sociology is a compulsory subject and sociology teaches you everything that law doesnt. EVERYTHING. If I wanted to do that, why would I do law? Oh yeah here is what comes next. If child psychology wasnt enough, then BAM, right in the next class, we are studying water and its expansion properties. Really? Really? Are you fucking kidding me? I wanna study law.. What do I need to do for that? Enroll into engineering college?

Do they expect me to go in front of a judge and say, "Yes My Lord, this is all I know about law. Whoops, did I just say law? I am sorry, I just though that enrolling myself in a law school was a good way to study law but clearly not. And the law degree, I am so sorry sir that I thought the law degree these law colleges give you mean that you are well versed with the law, while it actually means you are jack of all trades except law and basically you are a joker card, on whom the joke is being played.

But then maybe expansion of water is as per the expansion law in science or something of the sorts. So maybe thats how they relate it to law. But  then the next thing we studied was something no one can explain.
Our Sociology professor tells us today that if a glass of water is like a lake, then a bucket full of water is like a river and a room full of water is an ocean. Really sir? And then he smiled as if that was the funniest joke he had heard.

Yeah I am studying some really good stuff in this college..

Well if you think ridiculous is good, then you are in for a treat.

I do not know, who gave our history teacher the right but she seems to consider the entire batch to be her friend. Trust me what I wish for her, I wouldnt wish for an enemy.

Lets go from ridiculous to hilarious. Here are the few of the word by the word words the from the class. (In case you are wondering what happened to my English, I am just speaking her language and its NOT ENGLISH.)

1) "Dont you the talk in the class or I will make you out for the three weeks."

    Really ma'm? Make us out for three weeks? Oh God I dont even want to think what that might actually mean. But yes ma'm congratulations on coming up with such stuff in the class. You provide unending entertainment.

2) "You have to submit me by Monday."

    Submit you?? Where?? Would you prefer an English speaking class or should I submit you into a mental hospital?

3) "Mahmud of Ghazni was the broker of the idols."

    Seriously?? You expect us to believe that? Brokerage at that time? Did they also have a firm? Like Mahmud Ghazni and Ghori, Brokering idols since 100AD?? Because since a college, Oops National Law University can appoint a teacher like you, then anything can be true.

4) "The rulers who were allowed to imprison the.. ummm.... Islam, were good rulers."

    There were rulers who could capture a religion? Oh Man!! I want super powers too.. Please God?

5) "They won the war because they were the speedy in their speed"

    Speedy in their speed? Is that even possible? How about speedy in their slow? Or speedy in their weight? Speedy in their height? Trust me ma'm in your class anything is possible.

So if you havent have had enough keep going. There is more ridiculous coming up.
Next up is a class which some fool decided to put in our time table as Legal English. I bet that guy is having a good laugh right now. Because last time I checked, we were doing something related to Moses and feminism and Anti semitism.. And so on..

1) Mosaic Laws- English and Mosaic laws? Oh maybe our professor knows a secret that, Moses laws were all about a new language called English as the world only spoke Yiddish before he gave the 26 alphabets of English.

2) Anti-Semitism - The next secret is that, Hitler was actually a descendant of Moses and he ordered the killing of Jews, since they werent using English properly. Yeah thats true. Thats the only connection I could come up with between Anti-Semitism and English.

3) Fiminism (Radical) - Maybe Legal English has something to do with feminism. Thats a major assumption but well when the teacher goes crazy and shouts at anyone who says a word against feminism, you have to go along with her. You do not have a choice.

4) Quoting an English "Professor" in a National Law University-

    "You were playing badminton YESTERDAY NIGHT?"

No ma'm we will be playing TODAY NIGHT. Yeah thats right. No one knows how to speak English here. Not even the English professor. My kindergarten teacher told me that its never yesterday night, ITS LAST NIGHT.

Next subject is contracts, which I wouldnt mind attending 5 hours a day, BUT HEY HEY HEY!!!!

This is a law school. You need to learn about child psychology, science of water, Mosaic English, History of places that do not exist. These things are more important than Law. OF COURSE!!

If this wasnt enough, these days the only law degrees that law schools, Oops National Law Univrsities provide are integrated courses.
So I am doing BA LLB.

LLB has already been discussed but there are two more BA subjects. (No the others were not BA subjects they were law. And I am not kidding. Seriously.)

Political Whatever-

Its the lesser of the two evils. Earlier we had a professor who would join his hands and cry as if his life depended on us studying.
Now that this is a political something class, you would expect there would be arguements and debates. Oh no no no no....
This is a law school. Debating is the last thing you do here. Even if its why sun rises in the east, LET US NOT GET INTO THIS DEBATE.

    But he is not the Political Whatever professor any more. Now we have a new young guy, who instigates debates. The only problem is that the debate is about what is the language he speaks. I would bet on Hebrew but on second thought it could be Stonatino. ( Okay dont google, I just made that up, but in my defense, so does he.)

"Bhaath ijshsh shthetheth?"
"Arree Bhaaath ijsshh eeiith?"

Yeah, well try that on google translate. Enter into nothing-
Google's response in English-

"What is stat?"
"(Irritated noise) WHAT IS IT?????????"

Macro Economics??

Anyone who gets anything in the class please contact me and tell me what she teaches.. I am too busy in her class.. Sleeping or writing stuff that matters and not Macro Economics!!

There you go, now I feel good. It is not just me. No one can understand the tons of stupidity that gets dished out everyday It is not possible for anyone to study in this madhouse they call the college..



Signing Off
Lock and Load

P.S. If anyone wants to check out our food please check out Maulika's blog. A fellow student..
You shall be further enlightened.
Dedicated to fellow sufferers.

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