Well, its my first attempt at blogging, so if this is stupid then please bear with me. Okay to start with, I am not sure what to write for the first time, as I don't want to start straight away with the idea of this blog because I hope to make the concept of this blog clear. So I will start the first post by talking a little about my self and how bored I am in life.
Before I begin though a small background as to what am I doing with this fun blog. Basically meaning what makes me so jobless. I am a 17 year old law school student in Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. I study in the first semester so I have loads of time to sit and do whatever I please, which at most times is nothing. I console my conscience by reminding it that I am in the 1st semester so I really can afford to not be serious at this point of time and that I will work harder in the future.
So here goes a Facebook status that I put up a few days back which really shows how strangely minds of lawyers work. This status surprisingly got loads of likes. The surprise part is the fact that it was put up at 3 a.m. in the night so my brain had long been asleep by the time I put up the status. Anyway this is what it said-
"Its late into the night or early in the morning and I have been watching back to back movies for the last 7 hours. Since I have classes tomorrow in the morning I really feel I should go to sleep now, despite having another movie in my mind. Suddenly my sleeping brain grunts out an image of a cover of a book which had a quotation by Benjamin Franklin. The quotation said: Do not waste your life sleeping. There will be enough time to sleep when you die.
And now my mind gets working and the "rest" goes to the bin. I am not saying that Benjamin Franklin had meant these words in the sense that I just portrayed but since he didn't say otherwise its open to interpretation. Its possible that I will fall asleep in class tomorrow, but that won't be on purpose. Anyway its the word of Benjamin Franklin against the lecturers. While one of them has his pic put up in the American dollar the lecturers have a small pic, most probably clicked the "Gandhinagar's World Famous Chandra Studio", in the exact words of a rickshaw driver, in some college magazine.
Yes, this is the kind of stuff that I do and this is the way the blog is going to be. Its a blog that will deal with simple aspects of life. See the funnier side of everything and also the important part of every senseless thing. The above post is just to set the mood as to the kind of foolishness that you can expect of me and it is not the kind of blog that I plan to write. Frankly speaking, the idea for this blog is derived from the kind of articles written by the central character (Owen Wilson) in the movie "Marley and Me". That is the kind of blog I wish to write and hopefully I succeed in writing the same and entertaining every person who reads it.
However this blog turns out, I promise you that you will find this one thing every time you go through the blog, namely "Buckchodi". To anyone who has no idea what this means, well there is no dictionary meaning for the word. But it includes everything that a person does when he gets high. I don't drink but that never stops me from getting high. High on friendship, on boredom, on stupidity and so on. It includes stuff from pulling others legs to annoying and disturbing sincere people. Basically everything that you do when you reject the brains advice and act for the heck of it.
Lock and Load
P.S. I am high on "Boston Legal" fever. It is a legal show that has till date released five seasons. A total Buckchod character, who I idolize keeps doing this.
Denny Crane
Lock and Load
So this is something that I have picked up from him.
So once again,
Signing off,
Sanket Chaudhury
Lock and Load
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